During degaussing, magnetic data carriers are flooded with a very strong magnetic field. The magnetic force of the hard disk, the coercivity, is thereby far exceeded. This short and strong pulse deletes the data irrevocably.
The intimus 20000 S degausser is the ultimate in data destruction power. It completely erases all data from any hard disk or magnetic tape at 20,000 gauss in under 15 seconds. It comes with the Auditor-Pro system to create an audit-worthy media destruction report as you degauss.
Physical destruction of hard drives leaves data behind (i.e. shredding, crushing, piercing, bending). Degaussing is the only way to eliminate all data on the disc platters of hard drives or from magnetic tapes. After degaussing, physical destruction using the intimus Crusher gives visual confirmation that the hard drive has been securely processed and is ready for disposal.
The NSA has evaluated the 20000 S Degausser and found that it fulfills their requirements for securely disposing of Top Secret and above classified information. It utilizes standard power supply and is quiet and clean, allowing for drive disposal work to be performed in a typical office environment without disruption.