
Drive efficiency and productivity using real-time data to monitor workcell performance.

Increase your productivity with the direct connect control system. Quick identification and remedy of system jams. Ideal for environments with high turnover or temporary workers
  • Real-time job progress and status in constant view
  • Easy to read color coded display
  • Goals measured against real-time metrics & indicators
  • Set and track goals to ensure SLA attainment.
  • Monitor operational performance from any location

DirectView solutions

Monitor your operation’s performance and improve productivity via real-time data.

Give your mail operation the real-time critical information needed to drive optimal performance and Service Level Agreement (SLA) attainment with DirectView® solutions. Featuring an enhanced user interface, you can monitor workcell efficiency and benchmark productivity against your operational goals with a quick scan.


Through an incremental approach to continuous improvement, DirectView solutions helps drive greater operational efficiency and productivity. With insights derived through DirectView solutions, print and mail operations can easily obtain the real-time critical information needed to monitor workcell productivity and maintain optimal performance. Data related to idle time, non-productive time, machine and application type is tracked, enabling production managers to proactively implement adjustments and immediately monitor results.

Our real-time, on premise solution is comprised of three offerings: DirectView Interface, DirectView Dashboard and DirectView Reporter.

Improve workcell productivity

Achieve increased performance and SLA attainment with real-time job progress and status in constant view.

Monitor job progress and leverage data insight for immediate corrective action.

Avert production delays with customizable management and service alerts.

Increase operational efficiencies and results

Access the real-time status of every job, inserter and shift on the production floor from anywhere, at any time.

Receive alerts allowing you to intervene as required in order to achieve optimal performance and SLA compliance.

Implement continuous improvement initiatives by gaining insight to the specific causes of productivity losses.

Increase operational yield and maximize ROI by improving machine runtime and optimized asset utilization.


DirectView Interface

The DirectView Interface allows system operators to quickly see where they are in relation to operational goals from anywhere within the workcell.

The easy to read, color coded display and job progress bar makes it simple for operators to be highly productive in correctly setting and tracking runs within the inserter workcell.

Goals are measured against real-time productivity and efficiency metrics such as outsorts, job and shift progress and alarms.

Configurable alerts allow immediate corrections to avert processing slowdowns.

DirectView Dashboard

The DirectView Dashboard consolidates the real-time production status from each inserting system and displays a color coded status of every job, machine and shift on your production floor.

Accessible anywhere and anytime via a computer or mobile device, operation supervisors and managers can quickly see the status of their operation.

When used with the Interface alerts, you can proactively respond and adapt to changing operational conditions.

Service requests can be initiated directly from the dashboard interface with real-time data captured — and forwarded — for decisive action.

DirectView Reporter

The data collected from the inserting systems with DirectView Reporter enables operations to measure and manage the root cause of productivity losses. With the ability to accurately track machine stops, operator stops, idle time, setup time and unscheduled downtime, operations will have an accurate representation of their true operational efficiencies. Continuous improvement initiatives can then be focused on reducing production losses and increasing runtime and asset utilization.


Production solutions


If you need more information about our products or services, please contact us and we’ll get back to you. Thanks!