INTIMUS INTERNATIONAL IBERICA SAU, with registered office at Carretera de L’Hospitalet 147-149, Edificio Bruselas, Primera Planta, (08940) Cornellá de Llobregat, CIF A60367927, is the owner of this Website and will be referred to in this document as Intimus MP&O.

Purpose of the Intimus MP&O website

The website (hereinafter, “the website”) has been designed to inform and allow general access for all users to the information, activities, products and services offered by

Terms and conditions of use

The use of the website confers on the user the condition of Site User, which implies full acceptance of the Conditions of Use in the version published at the time of accessing the site.
Intimus MP&O may alter at any time and without prior notice the design, presentation and/or configuration of the website, as well as some or all of the contents, and may modify the general conditions and/or specific conditions required to use the same.

Intellectual and industrial property

Intimus MP&O holds the intellectual property rights over the contents (texts, documents, images and other components), graphic design and code of the website, and therefore the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited without the prior authorisation of Intimus MP&O, and any liabilities that may arise as a consequence of the infringement of intellectual property laws shall be derived.
Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the website are protected by law and duly registered in the name of their owner, and any liabilities that may arise as a result of the infringement of industrial property laws shall be derived.

Data protection

Intimus MP&O has implemented a system to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of the User’s personal data.

In order to contract the services and products offered by Intimus MP&O, the User must provide personal data, which will be processed in accordance with European Regulation 2016/679 on data protection (hereinafter, the “GDPR”), as well as all regulations relating to the protection of personal data in force at the time, whose treatment and purpose are set out in the Privacy and Cookies Policy, which can be consulted through the Website.

To this end, in addition to complying with the regulations of the RGPD, it guarantees not only legal but also fair use of personal data, as well as an appropriate system for exercising the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability and opposition. In this way, Users may exercise any of their rights by writing to Intimus MP&O, providing proof of their identity. Intimus MP&O provides Users with clear and complete information about the Privacy and Cookies Policy, which can be consulted on this Website. Users may also contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Cookies Policy

This website contains Cookies, please consult its Cookies policy for further information on this subject.